Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I'm still here!

I've been horrible about posting, I know. The main reason being I haven't been doing much. I had a couple weekends where I lazed around on the couch and (when not on FB playing games) cross-stitching. It's a blackwork pattern, so technically I was backstitching.

I did get the sewing machine back up over the t'giving break, finally! I started working on the bookshelf quilt I promised to do for someone *grin.* I have one "shelf" put together, the one that most closely resembles my bookshelves. No pictures though.

Can you believe it's Dec 1 already? 10 days until mom and I sail out of Charleston Harbor to the Bahamas. This time I have enough meds to (hopefully) counteract the stupid motion sickness that's bugged me the last few years on cruises. We're hitting 2 islands in the Bahamas and Key West. I'm signed up to play with dolphins at the Atlantis, so some cool pics should be forthcoming.

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